Attendance Options at Chiselhurst
Chiselhurst offers four kindergarten groups for children who are 4 years old by the 30th of June. All groups are Queensland Government approved kindergarten programs. Our groups are referred to as the Acacia, Banksia, Casuarina and Daisy Groups! From January 2022 these groups will all be run as a 5 day fortnight with slightly different attendance hours to help ease congestion at drop off and pick up times. We will also be offering After Hours Care for families from January 2022.
OPTION A - 5 day fortnight
Acacia Group - beginning of week
Children attend Monday and Tuesday with alternate Wednesdays
8:30 am - 2:45 pm each day
Casuarina Group - end of week
Children attend Thursday and Friday with alternate Wednesdays
8:30 am - 2:45 pm each day
OPTION B - 5 day fortnight
Banksia Group - beginning of week
Children attend Monday and Tuesday with alternate Wednesdays
8:15 am - 2.30 pm each day
Daisy Group - end of week
Children attend Thursday and Friday with alternate
8.15pm - 2.30pm each day
Regrettably from January 2025 Chiselhurst will no longer be able to offer After Hours Care for families.
“What we instil in our children will be the foundation upon which they build their future.”
Free Kindergarten
Recognizing the benefits of giving children a strong start to their education, from January 2024 the Queensland Government will provide free kindergarten for eligible age children (turning 4 years of age by the 30th June in the year they attend kindergarten) attending a government approved kindergarten program. An approved kindergarten is 15 hours per week (or 30 hours per fortnight), 40 weeks per year. Funding will be distributed directly to the centre and eligible families will not pay a term fee.
Free kindergarten is available for one kindergarten attendance, if your child is enrolled in another kindergarten program you will have to pay fees for the second program. If your child is enrolled at Chiselhurst, and also attends a Long Day Care centre providing a kindergarten program, funding will automatically go to Chiselhurst.
Fees 2024
Kindergarten Approved Program - Free
Excursion/Entertainment Levy - Free
Maintenance Levy - Free
Capital Levy - Free
Other Fees
You may be asked to to pay an Enrolment fee and Chiselhurst Association Membership fee on acceptance of your child’s enrolment. This is a once only fee paid before your child commences our kindergarten program.
Wait List Fee per child - $30.00
Enrolment Fee per Child - $150.00
Annual Chiselhurst Association Membership - $5.00
After Hours Program - this program will no longer be available from January 2025
Permanent bookings - $35.00 per day
Casual Bookings - $20 per hour or part there of.